By Viktor Andriychuk
Doctor of Economy, Prof., Head of the Department of International Economy
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Global transformations (as a reality and strategic perspective), intensification of general integration factors are becoming are becoming the key trend in the world economy today. So, economization of development and integration make up the dominant, under influence of which a new global economy is being formed. The integrated new global economic relations have ever rising influence upon the scale, rates and proportions of national and global production, create a quantitative and qualitative picture of the world economy of the 21st c. laying down foundations of the security of national and global development. The development of international integration is based on the number of factors; the latter include economic position of a country, groups of countries and regions of the world under conditions of uneven allocation of resources, characteristics of scientific and technological advance; tendencies of demographic development; presence of emergent general issues; market "unification" of economic development etc.
The globalization of economy is caused by basic interdependence of various elements of world economy, its unity and integrity, which increase with growing internationalization of production and turnover, and intensification of integration processes.
The ever greater globalization process is a contradictory process concerning its impact on national economies and world economic development. Therefore, globalization, on the one hand, considerably broadens possibilities of choice for separate countries concerning the use of resources and their comprehensive participation in the system of
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international division of labor (IDL); on the other hand considerably sharpens competition, contributes to manipulation of enormous financial and investment resources, that really threatens the economic securety of underdeveloped economies with low interest and a ...
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