Political information history new one and the newest one time knows quite a lot modes, who declared it commitment ideologies, basically hostile any traditions, and total gap with last. To their by number concern mode, established in Northern Korea after 1945 g. In volume, how he myself represents1 and how qualifies by considering it with sides, there is big differences. But and his apologists, and critics, it seems, united in volume, what it started he under by flag the communist Party ideologies and what completed projects in accordance with her conversions noticeable transformed it traditional korean society. Essential way changed his social networks specifications, relationships property ownership and principles distributions. Religion was preempted atheism on shoulder of the road public information system lives. Availability, level and content educational institutions now not those, what were before 1945 g. Self style lives, holidays and weekday, behaviour people become in other words, than before.
words: Keywords: security, power, guerrilla experience, loyalty to the leader, Juche ideas, songun policy, soyoungwa model, nationalism.
The historical radicalism of the North Korean regime is confirmed by its impressive ideological purism, smooth continuity of generations. But is it possible to interpret the steady reproduction of the regime and model of social structure - this kind of conservative "reverse" of innovation - in any other way than as an inseparable addition to the revolutionary "obverse"? Isn't it enough to explain the regime's resilience by measuring the depth of its break with Korean traditions? Or, on the contrary, the gap was not at all as radical as it seems at first glance? To answer these questions, it is necessary to determine whether traditions were really uprooted, or whether they have grown into the fabric of the new society, its institutions, values and norms. There is another method that can suggest answers - research that focuses on just ...
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