On April 14, five years elapsed since the first Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights (on April 14, 1998) was assigned. On the eve of this anniversary a round table meeting was held at the Ukrainian Ombudsman's office, among participants being Klas Eklund, the Ombudsman of the Kingdom of Sweden, Oke Peterson, Ambassador of Sweden to Ukraine, judges of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts of Ukraine, people's deputies of Ukraine, representatives of mass media and public organizations. Nina Karpachova, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights opened and conducted the meeting. Nina Karpachova: Our today's meeting is attended by an outstanding person, Sweden's Parliamentary Ombudsman Klas Eklund. I would like to welcome him on behalf of all the participants. The topic of our discussion is Interaction of Ombudsman with legal authorities and mass media for protection of human rights: Ukraine's and Sweden's experience and problems. It should be noted that last year, at the invitation of Sweden's government and with the help of Sweden's Embassy to Ukraine and the Swedish Institute, a delegation of the Ukrainian Ombudsman's officers visited the Swedish Ombudsmen's Office. I hope, my colleague will extensively describe the Swedish concept of ombudsman. During three days we conducted 14 meetings and became acquainted with a unique experience of Sweden in the sphere of human rights protection, democracy, and supremacy of law in the public life. The Swedish concept of ombudsman is pretty unique insofar as Sweden was the first country ever to introduce an institution of ombudsman in contrast to the absolute monarchic power. Currently, there are 9 ombudsmen in various spheres, in Sweden. Four of them are working in the Parliament, Klas Eklund, who is present at this meeting, being the head of ombudsmen's team. There are no two identical ombudsman concepts in the world. However, all the concepts have something in common, the main feature being the protection and ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
07.12.2021 (1178 дней(я) назад)
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