Candidate of Economic Sciences
In more than 30 years of reform transformation in China, individual and private enterprises have achieved impressive success and proved to be a viable force in the economic structure of the PRC. They not only stimulate the country's economic growth, increase tax revenues, expand exports and increase employment, but also make a significant contribution to overcoming the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis (2008-2010) and ensuring stable socio-economic development of the country.
The country has formed a large layer of small and medium-sized owners who have created a huge number of new independent economic objects and were able to improve not only their financial situation, but also provide work to millions of people in need. Taking into account the fact that modern families in China consist of an average of 3 people, private entrepreneurship provides for the life needs of about 400 million people in the country.
In the development of individual farms and private enterprises outside the sphere of agriculture, two stages should be distinguished, each of which has its own characteristics and quantitative parameters: the pre-reform period (1949-1978), which is characterized by both periods of limited use and almost complete prohibition of entrepreneurial activity, and the reform period (from 1979 to the present) It is accompanied by its revival, and then development at an accelerated pace, stable growth of economic potential and share in the national economy of the country.
In the first years after the victory of the revolution, the Chinese leadership implemented a policy of allowing individual entrepreneurship and private farming. The General Program of the People's Political Consultative Conference of China (September 1949) stated that the People's Government should encourage the activity of all individual activities that are favorable to the country's economy and people's life. In 1 ...
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