On January 30-February 1, 2007, Moscow hosted the Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Judaica 1 - a significant event in the Jewish scientific life of the CIS and Baltic countries. The conference was attended by more than 200 scientists from 55 cities of different countries-CIS, Europe, Israel, USA. The conference was organized by the Moscow Sefer Center for Scholars and Teachers of Jewish Studies at Universities; the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization - the Chase Center for the Development of Judaism in Russian (Hebrew University of Jerusalem); the Open University of Israel (OUI); the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee "Joint"; the Jewish Agency; Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC); Center for the Study of the History and Culture of Eastern European Jewry (Vilnius). Welcoming remarks were made by: First Secretary of the Embassy of the State of Israel in the Russian Federation Ya. Ariav; Director of academic programs "Joint" (Jerusalem) T. Manusova; Director of the Moscow branch of "Joint" A. Nadan; head of the project "Limmud" H. Chesler; head of the Moscow branch of the Jewish Agency X. Ben Yaakov. At the first plenary session, A. B. Kovelman (Moscow) presented a report "Bakhtin and Heinemann against the background of Kassirer: on the Fate of Neo-Kantianism in Jewish and Russian humanitarian Knowledge", dedicated to the memory of Professor Nehemiah Levzion. M. A. Chlenov (Moscow) "Archival sources on the history of post-Soviet Jewry (raising the question)" and L. Finberg (Kiev) "Collecting archives of Jewish history and culture of the XX century" were devoted to the problems of archives. Experience of the Institute of Judaica". This year's candidates for the annual Jewish Identity and Sociology Research Fellowship were also presented here. Eugene Wiener - L. Landa (St. Petersburg) and E. Cibulskaya (Kiev). The second plenary session was entirely devoted to the presentation of educational and publishing programs. S ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
07.07.2024 (71 дней(я) назад)
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