Scientists are still attracted by the Orb of Night. It is proved by the flight of the American LRO (lunar reconnaissance orbiter), equipped with the Russian LEND (lunar exploration neutron detector). Cooperation of Russian and American* scientists is intended to solve a series of practical tasks to ensure further development of the Moon: to explore optimal landing areas for automatic and pilot-controlled vehicles; to conduct mineral exploration of lunar depths; to study the local radiological environment from the viewpoint of its impact on human health. But the main task is to find out if polar craters of the natural satellite of the Earth are surrounded by ice sediments, as some specialists, including Russian scientists, have predicted. The answer to this question will greatly influence a future program for the exploration of the Moon and the Solar System in general. It is not difficult to understand why scientists are searching for water on the Moon. In future it will become a base for human activities in the Universe. It is there that experts are planning to build first extraterrestrial stations. Of course, researchers will need water and its components: oxygen (O) to ensure vital activities of astronauts and spacemen, and hydrogen (H) to produce rocket propellant. In other words, if water is found there, it will be of great help for the Moon's colonization! Besides, there may be a lot of resources containing rare elements and minerals on the Moon. It is beyond doubt that the primary ore will be first thoroughly processed, and the obtained product will be many times less than the primary material. Moreover, no one is going to take a dead rock from there. But it may become expedient at the minimum to get some substances with a great consumption of energy on the satellite's surface in order not to contaminate the Earth and not to spoil its ecology. In addition, in time the Moon is planned to be used as a kind of trans-shipping point or ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
19.08.2021 (1286 дней(я) назад)
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