Linsheng Electrical Company . - Car Air Pump: 6 Advantages
1, efficient inflation:The speed of inflation is the first condition to measure the performance of a car pump. A tire that is completely flattened, can the tire pressure be quickly hit to normal value, and the outlet flow rate should be at least 30L/Min. To ensure efficient inflation, in addition to the power, it is necessary to ensure the quality of the motor. The wind-powered car air pump T800 is equipped with lighting and pressure gauges, which are quick to breathe and easy to carry and store. The self-contained tire pressure gauge is convenient for the tire pressure detection at any time, and can be quickly replenished when the tire pressure is insufficient. Pressure relief function. 2, high heat dissipation:High-quality car air pump needs to have good heat dissipation, and this performance is determined by the material selected by the machine. The heat-generating component is made of a high-heat-dissipating material, which accelerates heat dissipation and effectively protects the motor. Among the components of the pump, the heat dissipation material of the cylinder is particularly important. There are many types of vehicle air pump on the market, and the materials of the selected heat-dissipating cylinders are also different. There are aluminum alloy, stainless steel, aluminum alloy die-casting, chrome plating, anode aluminum alloy cylinders, etc., depending on the material, the heat dissipation performance is also very different. At present, the ideal heat dissipation cylinder is an anode aluminum alloy cylinder. The anodized aluminum or alloy not only improves hardness, corrosion resistance and wear resistance, but also has good heat dissipation and insulation properties. 3, safe and reliable:After all, the vehicle air pump is a kind of pressure machine, so it is necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of the product. Oil-free design, maintenance-free air pump has higher safety details, environmental protection and durability, and safer use. The vehicl ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Таджикистан
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Linsheng Electrical Company . - Car Air Pump: 6 Advantages

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