Key words: Marjani Foundation, Rustam Suleymanov, Islamic art, scientific and publishing activities In the spring of 2013, an exhibition entitled "Classical Art of the Islamic World of the IX - XIX Centuries" was held in the Personal Collections Department of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (GMII) in Moscow. Ninety-nine names of the Most High." Most of the exhibits were provided by the Marjani Foundation. We offer an interview of the President of the Foundation Rustam Suleymanov to the correspondent of our magazine K. V. Meshcherina. - How was the idea of establishing the Foundation born? Why is it named after the Tatar theologian and historian Marjani? - The idea was suggested by a noticeably intensified initiative in many countries aimed at familiarizing the general public with relatively little-known layers of world culture. Structures are being created everywhere that organize various art exhibitions, publish literature about the culture of many peoples, etc. Their activities are mainly based on patronage and charity, but state support also takes place. The founders and organizers of the Marjani Foundation envisioned it as a kind of center for collecting monuments of Muslim culture and promoting this peculiar, deeply humanistic culture, about which most Russians still have a rather superficial idea. The Foundation, established in 2006, is named after Shihabutdin Marjani (1818-1889), one of the Tatar Muslim figures who combined both spiritual and secular ideas in his worldview. He was a major theologian, theologian, philosopher, and historian of the second half of the 19th century, who had a significant influence on the development of the spiritual culture of Muslim society in Russia at that time. We hope to continue Marjani's cultural and educational activities. - The exhibition of masterpieces of Islamic culture from the collection of the Marjani Foundation at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts has aroused great interest among the Moscow public. Do you ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
22.01.2024 (242 days ago)
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