by Anna NIKOLAYEVA, Cand. Sc. (Hist.), R&D Information Centre, Moscow Kremlin Museums Site One of Russia's ever first national museums, the Armory Chamber, was set up in 1806 by Emperor Alexander I's decree on the basis of the Moscow Kremlin's workshops and storehouses. This event marked a start-out point in the history of the Kremlin memorial complex, a symbol of Russia's state hood rich in majestic architectural ensembles, monuments of culture and art, and relics of bygone ages. One of the world's largest and superb compounds... The complex of Moscow Kremlin museums that is marking its bicentennial jubilee includes such gems of architecture as the Dormition (Assumption), Archangel and Annuciation Cathedrals; the Church of the Deposition of the Veil of the Virgin and the Church of the Twelve; the Patriarchal Palace of the 17th century; the Ivan the Great Belltower... A collection of artillery guns and bells, and two exhibition halls are also part of this museum complex. And last but not least, the Armory Chamber. This depositary of antiquities, the oldest in our country, has the The Crown (Cap) of Monomach, end of the 13th-early 14th centuries. стр. 61 Carriages from the Armory Chamber collection. custody of relics collected by generations of Muscovite rulers: arms and armor, pieces of jewelry, precious fabrics and dishes, Old Russian books with artwork miniature, ceremonial carriages, state regalia and lots of other memorabilia. These treasures were first displayed to the public in 1718 on orders of Czar Peter I in glassed-in cases on the premises of the Chamber of the Exchequer within the Kremlin. For nearly a century the priceless rarities had no repository of their own up until the early 19th century, as topnotch art experts, writers and scholars took charge and accomplished a good deal for the Armory Chamber and its collections. In 1842 to 1852 the Armory Museum was headed ... Читать далее

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