Medical Mould-About Injection Mould
According to the characteristics of injection moulding, injection moulds are divided into thermosetting plastic moulds and thermoplastic moulds. According to the moulding process, they can be divided into transfer moulds, blow moulds, casting moulds, hot press moulds (hot press moulds), and hot press moulds (compression moulds). ), injection moulds, etc. The hot press moulds can be divided into overflow type, semi-overflow type and non-overflow type according to the overflow mode. Injection moulds can be divided into cold flow type and hot flow type through the gating system. According to different loading and unloading methods, it can be divided into two types: mobile type and fixed type. Matters needing attention in mould design:1. High temperature (as cast clay for molten metal or certain types of plastic); 2. Cooling moulds and moulded products. 3. High pressure (most plastic injection moulding); 4. Production (no need to destroy the mould); 5. Mass production or use of mould materials alone. 6. Make as many holes as possible at the same time. 7. Wall thickness of plastic parts. 8. Position of mould line or parting line. 9. No chamfer or dead angle. Injection mould material: The mould material directly affects the cooling effect. Commonly used mould materials are: P20, H13, P6, S7 steel, 420 stainless steel; good processing performance (processing tools are not easy to wear); material composition is uniform, no defects; good mechanical properties, strength, toughness and wear resistance; surface can be Good processability; easy heat treatment, small deformation; good weldability; good heat resistance, low thermal expansion coefficient (shortened mould life).   Yuhuan Shengjiu Mould Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and supplier of  Medical Mould   . The main production and supply: syringe moulds, safety needle moulds, oxygen mask moulds, needle-free injection nozzles, vaginal dilator moulds and other medical mould products. Safe, fast and simple needle-fr ... Читать далее

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Medical Mould-About Injection Mould

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