New Сasino from Shangri La brand SL Casino Riga is preparing for the grand opening
In November, in the center of the Latvian capital, an elegant casino, SL Casino Riga, part of the of Storm International empire, was opened. This is the 4th gambling Shangri La establishment, focused on VIP-guests and working in accordance with the highest standards. Having successfully started working, the casino is preparing for a luxurious party about the grand opening, which will be held on December 23, 2017. The new casino is located in the newly opened Grand Hotel Kempinski after a grand renovation. SL Casino gaming halls are located on 2 floors, a total area of 625 square meters. More than 100 of staff members are serving guests and creating a comfortable atmosphere. The decoration of all rooms is made in the art deco style with the use of precious wood, Italian fabrics, English carpets, mirrors and decorative elements made by European masters. On the ground floor, the casino has its own separate entrance to the slot hall. There one can find 51 modern gaming machines from the best developers IGT, EGT, Aristocrat, Cammegh, Novomatic. Also, on the ground floor, there is a cozy sports bar, equipped especially for sports fans. For protection, unique software, created by its own IT department Storm International is used; it has been continuously improving for many years.Classic table games are located in individual rooms on the second floor (10 tables in all). Here you can play poker, baccarat, blackjack and roulette. There is an equipped VIP room for a game with high stakes in a confidential atmosphere. For a relaxing stay, a separate special lounge area is perfect to use. SL Casino (Latvia) aims to become a worthy player in the gambling market of the Baltic States, where many strong operators are already functioning. However, the VIP sector is still relatively free, and this direction is beginning to develop by Storm International. About the managing holding company Storm International Storm International is an international holding company that manage ... Читать далее

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New Сasino from Shangri La brand SL Casino Riga is preparing for the grand opening

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