This article deals with a problem that is very important for everyone who studies the Muslim culture and the Islamic faith, not excluding people who are inside this culture itself. We are talking about the need to correct some patterns that have become familiar in the Russian translation of particularly significant Arabic sacred formulas, and in particular the one that often follows the name of the Prophet Muhammad in texts and in everyday life among Muslims - salla allahu ' alayhi wa-sallama (sallallahu alayhi wa-sallam). To make my explanations understandable to the widest possible range of readers, including those who do not speak Arabic, I will use the Latin transliteration 1 instead of Arabic letters, and it will be followed in parentheses, as in the example above, as close as possible to the pronounced version in practical Cyrillic transcription for those who are not used to scientific transliteration.
For the sake of brevity and at the same time persuasiveness of my arguments, I will refer to the Arabic medieval lexicologists and grammarians mainly not directly (although I have processed the relevant sections in quite a large number of their works), but in excerpts from the unsurpassed dictionary of the English Arabist Edward William Lane (1801-1876) [Lane, 1863]. Experts are well aware that there is no work of equal importance for understanding classical Arabic in the world of Oriental studies: the great English Arabist spent decades of his life bringing together the interpretations of almost all the works of medieval Arabic lexicologists and grammarians known at that time. I will also allow myself not to provide a detailed bibliographic reference in each case, with the exception of some of them, to a particular author (more detailed information can easily be found in the work of E. W. Lane, and specialists are already well aware of these sources 2). Translation-E. W. Lane's interpretation of the corresponding Arabic lexicological interpretations in English ...
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