The standard of living of the population of the Far East tends to decline, and it is lower than the national average. Mediated through socio-psychological, geographical and other factors, the decline in living standards leads to an increase in crime. In addition, the Far Eastern region is characterized by a high level of criminalization of the population: more than anywhere else, the proportion of convicted persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, neuropsychiatric anomalies, etc., which is also a provoking factor in the complication of the criminological situation.
Organized crime, using new social opportunities, is rapidly invading all spheres of economic and social life, mastering more and more new types of crimes. The ideology of the criminal world - the thieves ' law-has entered the market of ideas. Until recently, it was suitable for a very specific part of society, but today it penetrates into various spheres of public life, proclaiming camp rules and customs, putting them in the packaging of justice and brotherhood.
The thieves ' law was not invented yesterday. But today, coming out of the underground, it takes on new properties: legality, demonstrativeness, audacity, aggressiveness, which ultimately is an open challenge to society and the law. The growing influence of criminal ideology is expressed in the growth of claims of the leaders of the criminal world, changes in the methods of achieving goals: force pressure, mass riots and acts of disobedience, the use of mass media to intimidate or mislead the population.
Considering our region as a breeding ground for the spread of criminal ideology, it cannot be denied that it is extremely favorable. For more than a hundred years, the Far East has been used by the state as a place of imprisonment and exile. The 30s of our century were marked by a huge scale of camp construction. Those released from places of deprivation of liberty due to measures of state coercion or in connection with the loss of fo ...
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