Opening: positron current flows from plus to zero, electron current flows from zero to negative
Summary The first thing that inspired me to this discovery is the shock that the researchers of superconductivity experience. And this is understandable. If the conduction current is formed by free electrons, then why does superconductivity increase when free electrons practically disappear, freezing to atoms. Secondly, this is the obstinacy of the Russian scientist, Dr. Fedyukin Veniamin Konstantinovich, who doubted that superconductivity exists. He writes: “Proceeding from the general scientific, ideological position and practice that there is opposition to every action and there is resistance to any movement, it can be argued that resistance and electric current along the conductor should be. Therefore, the so-called "superconductivity" electric current is not, and can not be. " Thirdly, Fedyukin Veniamin Konstantinovich’s idea that “the current of electric energy is not the movement of electrons, the electromagnetic field carrying electricity, which propagates not inside but mainly outside the conductor”. The fourth is the experience of Faraday, where he received an induction current, and, with the opposite direction of the magnet moving in the inductor, the arrow of the galvanometer reflects this opposite. And this means that the induction current is carried out by opposite charges. Fifth, this is what the oscillograms fix, that the alternating current is organized by both negative and positive charges. And since there are no other charges inside the conductor, in addition to mobile electrons and stationary ions, the Faraday induction current propagates in the ether adjacent to the conductor. Sixth, it is that the basis of the proton is the positron, which by means of the rotational form of gravity envelops itself with a huge number of graviton spheres, which increase its mass. The process of obtaining positrons by neutron bombardment of atomic nuclei supports this hypothesis. Thus, both electrons and positrons are equally involved in the formation of matter. T ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
09.05.2019 (2118 дней(я) назад)
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Opening: positron current flows from plus to zero, electron current flows from zero to negative

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