Keywords: Indonesian poetry, Israeli-Palestinian conflict In September 1944, the Grand Mufti of Palestine, Amin Al-Husaini1, was broadcast on Berlin radio, in which he openly supported the independence of Indonesia a year before the official proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia. The Indonesian people remember that first recognition, and the Indonesians, expressing fraternal feelings, support Palestine in its struggle for independence, sympathize with its suffering and are ready to help it. During the Israeli blockade of Gaza in 2008-2009, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono repeatedly denounced Israeli brutality, saying that the Indonesian Government always supports the struggle of the Palestinian people to defend their rights and sovereignty, and called on the international community to support Palestine. 2 Indonesian solidarity with the Palestinian people is reflected in Indonesian poetry. The famous Indonesian poet Tawfiq Ismail writes in his poem "Palestine, How Can I Forget You"3: When your houses were bulldozed sand and stones of the walls flew at random, were eyes and ears in suffering, Everything caused pain in the soul and anger. When the expanses of orange plantations And apple trees neat rows Cleared in the course of actions, I became gloomy, as if from my misfortune... Without a name, the lie factory produces, Uses print and the Internet. Refugees find melancholy in tents, Blood in Sabra, in Shatila, there is no salvation... I won't forget you, Palestine. Even though you are far from my land mournful prayer with the explosion of a mine Sounds in my ears, as if two steps away. In 2009, the Mujahiddin Council of Indonesia, a Muslim organization, announced the recruitment of 4 volunteers willing to fight against Israel on the side of the Palestinians, and the Indonesian Government sent medical supplies and financial aid to Gaza. Even Indonesian children have a heartache about Palesti ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
07.06.2024 (283 days ago)
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