Physical science was on the verge of truth
Physical science was on the verge of truth    In the modern theory of electricity, the conduction current is considered to be the current of free electrons. And the theory of alternating current is based on the assumption that electrons can change the direction of their motion in the opposite direction. In addition, in the modern theory of electricity, it was believed that Coulomb forces act only between charges. In fact, in metal conductors there is zero potential of the conductor. And it is this zero potential that is the central element of electricity, without which no current will run anywhere because the difference in electric potentials between the zero potential of the conductor and the negative (or positive) potential of the current source gives rise to the force of charge movement - EMF in the circuit. These errors of the modern theory of electricity are connected with the fact that only now physical science, and first of all, quantum physics, began to clarify the nature of the charges of electrons and positrons. It turned out that there are no specific electric charges in nature, because an electron - by 2/3 of its volume - is a magnetic dipole of the north pole, called a minus, and a positron is a magnetic dipole of the south pole, called a plus. Each charge generates 1/3 of the volume of the magnetic induction of the opposite pole. Moreover, a larger magnetic charge is considered an electric charge, and a smaller magnetic charge is considered to be the magnetic component of the charges, which, when current flows in the conductor, generates speraloid lines of magnetic induction. Clarification of the nature of the charges of electrons and positrons allows us to clarify the question of what the devices show, which should show the sign of the charge of the particles forming the current, the direction of their movement and the strength of the current. A device that is capable of showing all of the named current parameters is a magnetoelectric galvanometer. Th ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
11.03.2020 (1811 дней(я) назад)
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Physical science was on the verge of truth

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