Historical and local history museums of our country have made their contribution to the ideological and moral and political cohesion of Soviet society, which is necessary to achieve victory in the Great Patriotic War. They were prepared for this task by all their previous work, the experience gained in the pre-war years of propagating the history of the peoples of the USSR among all strata of the working people, and the established methods and forms of organizing mass museum and educational activities. A very important role in the development of historical museums in the pre-war years and in turning them into centers of education and civic education of Soviet people was played by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) "On the teaching of civil history in schools of the USSR", adopted on May 16, 1934. Already on the eve of the war, groups of museum workers made significant progress in organizing historical expositions to highlight heroic themes in the history of our country, the revolutionary liberation movement, and the stages of building socialism. By this time, museums had the collections necessary for visual reconstruction of the most important phenomena of the historical past, the methodology of scientific acquisition and attribution of museum sources, the development of expositions was being improved.
The outbreak of war required a radical restructuring of the museum's work. The rescue of museum funds and their timely removal from the areas of the attack turned out to be one of the most difficult tasks in the work of cultural institutions. The evacuation of museum collections continued until the summer of 1942. Despite the heroic efforts of museum workers and the assistance of local authorities, not everything was taken out and saved. Many valuable collections of Belarus were completely lost. The museums of the Baltic Republics, Ukraine and Moldova were plundered by fascists.
The attention of histor ...
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