We continue to talk about teaching the Russian language and speech culture to civil servants (see Russkaya rech. 2003 N 3; 2004. NN 2, 3) and we will consider in this article some typical mistakes related to non-compliance with grammatical norms in oral and written official speech.
Many of these errors are also found in colloquial speech and in the media; there are also deviations from the grammatical norms of the literary language, which are characteristic of the speech behavior of employees of public administration bodies and related to their professional activities.
Since the short course of correction does not provide an opportunity to analyze all relevant examples on this topic, first of all, we introduce students to some dictionaries and reference books, which we recommend to purchase and use in everyday practice. These are the following publications: Graudina L. K., Itskovich V. A., Katlinskaya L. P. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Stylistic dictionary of variants, Moscow, 2001; Eskova N. A. Short dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language (Grammatical forms. Stress). Moscow, 2001; Rozental D. E., Telenkova M. A. Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language. Moscow, 2001; Ivanova T. F., Cherkasova T. A. Russian speech on the air. Comprehensive Reference Book, Moscow, 2002; Rozental D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P. Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, and Literary Editing, Moscow, 1998.
Let's consider the difficulties of using some grammatical forms.
As you know, many masculine nouns denoting a person by profession, position, work performed, academic title and academic degree in official business speech retain their form even in cases where they refer to female persons: employee, deputy, veteran, judge, lawyer, associate professor, professor,etc. candidate and Doctor of Sciences, laureate. For some job titles in the literary language, there are variants: head - head (kindergarten), head - head of the department (kindergarten) ...
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