Spontaneous memorialization in the urban landscape: the case of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl
Anna Sokolova Spontaneous Memorialization in Urban Landscape: the Case of Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl) Anna Sokolova - Research Fellow, Russian Nation Research Department of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences, annadsokolova@gmail.com This article describes the now forming brand new practices of spontaneous memorialization of resonant and tragic accidents accompanied by numerous or single human loss. We analyze commemoration and performativity (according to J. Santino) in spontaneous memorialization in Russian context and distinguish different types of it. We conclude that social injustice is (among others) an important driver in the very process of rising the memorials in nowadays Russia. On the other hand we find fundamental similarities between Russian, European and American memorial traditions. The paper draws on detailed analysis of the spontaneous memorialization acts after plane crash incident in which ice-hockey team "Lokomotiv" died on the yth of September 2011. Keywords: spontaneous shrines, grassroots memorialization, funeral rites, commemoration, Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl). This work was supported by the grant " Russians of the beginning of the XXI century: Historical Memory, Self-consciousness, Culture "within the framework of the Fundamental Research Program of the History Section of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences"Nations and the State in world History". The author is grateful to Leta Yugai for her help in creating the scheme of a spontaneous memorial near the Arena 2000 stadium in Yaroslavl and Timofey Pashnin for valuable advice on the game of ice hockey and the Kontinental Hockey League. page 67The practice of spontaneous public memorialization of people who died tragically or under special circumstances that make the event resonant is a new and poorly studied phenomenon among funeral and memorial practices in modern Russia. In many respects, the practice of creating s ... Читать далее

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Spontaneous memorialization in the urban landscape: the case of Lokomotiv Yaroslavl

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