This Supplement is devoted to the study of observables in inelastic scattering and the density dependence of the effective interaction used in this analysis. Thus, special combinations of observables for inelastic scattering are presented. To describe them the DWBA program is used that exactly treats knock-on exchange terms. It requires the application of a finite-range code for the exchange part of inelastic proton scattering. At the same time, for other polarization observables, a situation at which exchange is handled in a zero-range approximation is also permissible.
In this Supplement, we have focused mainly on such treatments that could be modified to follow nucleon-nucleus kinematics. For these purposes, we used suitable computer programs that incorporated a number of desirable features, namely it was a zero-range approximation of knock-on exchange in a DWIA code LEA from J. Kelly. Then we coordinated our experimental data with the exact finite-range calculations made using the program DWBA 91 from J. Raynal. In all these cases, we were able to compare the zero-range exchange amplitudes calculated using the LEA model with the exact finite-range amplitudes from DWBA 91. This made it possible to clearly demonstrate the results of such comparisons. Nonlocality is present in the exchange terms.
Analysis of the exchange processes allows to understand the most important features of the mechanism of scattering. In the Supplement, we provide examples when exact finite-range calculations following nucleon-nucleus kinematics are clearly superior to the zero-range treatment of knock-on exchange. Demonstration of the experiments presented here and their study could make it possible to more reliably consolidate in memory the formalism set forth in Lecture Course II.
Appendices 1 to 4 at the end of the Supplement provide abstracts of communications presented with the author’s participation at several International Conferences “NUCLEUS” on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear ...
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