by Marina KHALIZEVA, journalist In April 2010, the New Instrumental Solutions plant, the first production enterprise of nanoindustry was put into operation with the participation of the Russian State Corporation of Nanotechnologies (Rosnano), in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region. The plant will produce monolithic carbide tools with multilayer nanostructured coating. The enterprise occupies an area of 6,000 m2 on the site of the Saturn Scientific and Production Amalgamation, which is specializing in the development, manufacture and maintenance of gas-turbine engines for military and civil aviation, ships of the Navy, power-generating and gas-pumping plants. It became an initiator of a project implemented in the shortest time for such object, just in 2 years. The total volume of investments to the project made about 1 bln rubles, including 499.8 mln rubles invested by Rosnano. Gazprombank was a financial investor of the project. It is no mere chance that Rybinsk became a pioneer in the sphere of introduction of nanotechnologies into the production sector: one of the most respectable bases of machine-building of the country is located there. Besides, the choice of this region was determined by its innovational commitment and mastering of the control technology by regional officials for major industrial projects. "The holy of holies" of the enterprise is a nanocoating section, where some 20 machine-tools operate from leading West-European companies, such as Walter, Janker, Zoller and Eiffel Group. Some of them cut to pieces monolithic cylindrical blanks of carbide, tungsten and cobalt, while others cut out of them and grind drills, mills and recesses. Still others apply a special coating 2-3 micron thick on a working surface. Here is also Kremen-1, a unique national innovational plant for creation of reinforcing layers. It is developed by the Russian Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute" (Moscow) in стр. 39 cooperat ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
01.09.2021 (1273 дней(я) назад)
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