In 1959 , a book by V. Bill 1 was published, which marked the beginning of the study of the Russian capitalist class by American bourgeois historiography. Bill's work was not considered an achievement in Western Russian studies .2 However, her work was followed by other works of bourgeois historians on the same topic. In the 1960s and early 1980s , a number of dissertations were defended in the United States and England on the history of the formation of the bourgeois class in Russia3.Monographs and journal articles were devoted to various issues of this problem. Such attention is connected with the change in the traditional forms of interpretation of the historical past of our country by bourgeois authors, the desire to overcome the prolonged crisis of bourgeois historiography, to find new methods, to expand the subject and problems of research. There has been a departure of many American and English historians from the traditional predominant study of the ideological and political history of Russia.
The growing interest in the Russian bourgeoisie is also connected with the general increase in the attention of bourgeois historiography to the history of entrepreneurship in general. Historians and economists, based on the concepts of such pillars of bourgeois economic thought as I. Schumpeter and W. Rostow, try to present the bourgeois entrepreneur as the most important driving force of social development. 4 The interest in studying the Russian bourgeoisie is enhanced by the fact that it failed to fulfill the historical mission attributed to business by bourgeois historiography, and turned out to be the first detachment of world capital thrown overboard by history. Trying to understand the reasons for this phenomenon, a number of modern bourgeois historians consider the weakness of this class to be one of the main reasons for the victory of October and October Revolution.-
1 Bill V. T. The Forgotten Class. The Russian Bourgeoisie from the Earliest Beginnings to 1900. ...
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