As part of a research project led by T. A. Chikisheva, comprehensive studies of anthropological materials from the Sopka-2 burial ground dating back to different chronological periods were initiated in 2003 (the author of the excavations was V. I. Molodin).
Based on a special program of anthropological examination of fossil materials for the reconstruction of the natural and social environment [Istoricheskaya Ekologiya..., 1998], various morphological and pathological changes were described in the bone remains of 595 individuals of different sexes and ages. Since the completeness of skeletons was selectively determined during the long-term excavation of the collection, only 345 of the total number of individuals studied were left with postcranial skeletal bones of varying degrees of preservation. Therefore, the planned statistical study of some indicators of physiological stress could not be fully implemented. Nevertheless, the large number of the series and the division of the main mass into chronological periods according to archaeological cultures * allowed us to detect and confirm some trends in the distribution of different groups of morphological and pathological markers.
The presented work reflects only a part of the research carried out and deals with several important problems for archeology. First, it is a reconstruction of the social environment of the studied population and an analysis of the relationships of various social categories in the group, carried out using the methods of anthropology. It is known that the indicator of the prevalence of cranial injuries is a kind of marker of aggressiveness and poor social atmosphere in the population. In addition, the nature and localization of fractures on the skeleton indirectly indicate a certain social environment in which certain traumatic situations could develop. Therefore, the analysis of characteristic injuries and injuries on the skull and bones of the skeleton provides information that indirectly ind ...
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