The elite Arzhan-2 mound, which was investigated by the Central Asian expedition of the State Hermitage Museum and a group of specialists from the Eurasian Branch of the German Archaeological Institute, can be safely ranked among the largest discoveries of the beginning of the millennium (Chugunov, Parzinger, Nagler, 2002). The mound is located in the north of the Republic of Tuva in the Turan-Uyuk basin, in the area known as the"valley of the kings". Excavations were carried out here during 1998-2003. In many respects, this complex is unique: for the first time in Siberia, it was possible to study in situ the undisturbed burial of representatives of the upper social stratum of early nomads [Ibid., p. 123]. Variety and preservation of materials, the presence of numerous gold jewelry, ceremonial weapons, costume elements, household items, etc. they allow us to speak about the rich information potential of the monument. This opens up wide opportunities for the application of natural science research methods. In particular, the presence of wooden funerary structures in graves 2 (a combination of a stand and a log house), 5 (a double log house) and 11 (a deck) provided a dendrochronological analysis based on recording the variability of annual tree growth. Until now, the only published experience of dendrochronological research was based on the materials of the "tsar" Arzhan mound (Zakharieva, 1976).
In the presented work, based on the study of wood samples, the following tasks were solved::
- construction of a generalized "floating" tree-ring chronology;
- establishing the sequence of burials (graves 5, 2 and 11);
- determination of the felling season of trees used in the construction of burial structures of the Arzhan-2 mound.
Materials and methods
The source for dendrochronological analysis was wood samples taken directly at the site by I. Y. Slyusarenko and Yu. N. Garkusha (mog. 5), an employee of the Department of Dendroclimatology and Forest History o ...
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