The card felt unreal during the game
Nilmar played as the blue collar Ronaldinho of EAFC 24 Coins. His speed was 90 mph as well as 85 dribbling speed, as well as enough power to take on the defenders. The Brazilian beast had excellent finishing and physical stats too. The card felt unreal during the game It felt as if Nilmar had 99 points in every statistic. He was able to finish on either foot , with a 5 star weak feet and four stars of skills. FC 24 was among the most enjoyable games in the franchise as well as this was among the reasons for that. Doumbia is an underpowered FUT game for seven seasons. Combining this player alongside Vagner Love was a travesty during FC 24. The player was the epitome of sweat, with 94 speed and the physical strength of 76. There were many impossible athletes during FC 24. However, Doumbia should be on the top of the list. Dribbling and pace were the two most significant statistics during FC 24. Doumbia was quick and was able to dribble 85 times. The Brazilian expert is perfect in the same team as Robinho, Pato, and Nilmar. FC 24 had some of the most impressive Brazilian cards ever in the history of FUT and Lucas was among the most popular cards ever. Pato was not included in this list because it was rated 85. Lucas was a fast 90-degree runner as well as 89 dribbling and sufficient shooting ability to get on the net. The ball would stay at the player's feet, and defenses were unable to stop it. Emenike is most likely to be the most powerful FUT card ever. Emenike was as efficient than Messi and Ronaldo on the field due to his speed and how strong Emenike was. Emenike's 81 rated cards had strength of 94 and speed of 93. The fastest defenders would not be able to keep his speed and stronger defenders would be overwhelmed by his power. The card's shooting statistics were shocking for an 81 rating card. The Nigerian striker was able to finish with 85 with 88 shot power and longshots of 84 on an 81 rating card. Gamers could shoot from nearly any spot on the field and hit th ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
03.04.2024 (308 дней(я) назад)
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The card felt unreal during the game

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