The condition of invariance of thermodynamic potentials and parameters with regard to the relativistic transformations
Thermodynamic potentials and parameters of matter as well as the temperatures of its phase transitions are purely internal properties of matter [Bazarov, 1964] and, therefore, fundamentally should not be changed during relativistic transformations of increments of spatial coordinates and time. One more thing that denotes it is the presence of two absolutely opposite relativistic generalizations of thermodynamics, according to one of which [Hasenöhrl, 1907; Planck, 1907] moving body is colder than resting body, while according to another one [Ott, 1963], moving body is hotter than motionless body. Moreover, in spite of the declared in SR relativistic shrinkage of the size of body along the direction of its motion the molar volume of moving matter also should not be changed during the relativistic transformations of increments of spatial coordinates and time [Danylchenko, 2008: 60; 2020: 5]. In order to fulfill the general covariance of equations of not only thermodynamics but also mechanics in SR and in GR there should be a principle of unobservability of deformation and metrical inhomogeneity of matter on the level of its microobjects. Indeed, instead of metrically inhomogeneous background Euclidean space the intrinsic spaces of matter that have gravitational curvature are used in GR. And, therefore, of course, the local kinematic “curvature” of intrinsic space of the observer of moving body should be introduced in SR instead of relativistic length shrinkage. If body moves at velocity  and taking this into account its limit velocity in background regular space of the FRout of external observer is , then in commoving with it FR0 and in FRout the increments of coordinates (and, thus, of metrical segments) of its moving objects and time will be as follows: where:  (); ; ,  (, );  and  are values of the limit velocity of motion in the background regular space and imaginary Lorentz dilatation of intrinsic time of mobile object m (matter) in FRout; , , ; , , ,  and  are ... Читать далее

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The condition of invariance of thermodynamic potentials and parameters with regard to the relativistic transformations

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