The motive of valor in the lyrics of N. M. Yazykov
Nikolai Mikhailovich Yazykov (1803 - 1846), who belonged to an old rich family of Simbirsk nobles, from his youth felt his poetic vocation, the originality of which was repeatedly mentioned by his great contemporaries: "Yazykov, who inspired you with Your bold message? A. S. Pushkin asked. - What an excess of feelings and strength. What a young riot!" E. A. Baratynsky echoed him: "The rampage of a young singer is magnificent and dashing." Poems "full of life and strength, fiery, thundering", - M. P. Pogodin noted (cit. by: Sakharov V. I. Nikolai Yazykov and his poetry // Yazykov N. M. Pokhotemeniya [Poems], Moscow, 1978, pp. 5-6. Yazykov himself wrote about himself as a"poet of joy and hop". This feeling of excess of one's vital forces, characteristic of the lyrical hero N. Yazykov, can be expressed in one old concept - "molodechestvo", formed from the word"well done". Here is how a contemporary of N. Yazykov, V. Dahl, explains the meaning of this concept: "Valor-prowess, prowess, bravery, especially out of bragging rights. From one of the braves on the bayonet climbs, from the excess of udali... Bravado- page 11 show off your bravery, show off your bravery and prowess, brag about your prowess in action, and indulge in bravery for glory " (V. Dahl. Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian Language, vol. II. Moscow, 1979, p. 332). As we can see, bravery in the popular consciousness manifests itself in appearance ("by gait"), and "by speech", and "in practice". This state covers the whole person in his external manifestations and internal impulses. Such are the well-done N. Yazykova, often such is his lyrical hero. N. Yazykov's contemporary and neighbor on the estate D. Davydov, with whom the poet was connected by close friendship and mutual admiration, became the personified embodiment of valor. D. Davydov often asked Yazykov to write his opinion about his poems: "Tell me your opinion in the Hussar or student way, it's all the same, because both there and t ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн · 225 days ago 0 264
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
04.08.2024 (225 days ago)
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The motive of valor in the lyrics of N. M. Yazykov

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