To the history of the word Moscow
Many articles have been written about the history of the word Moscow. But the plot. which we intend to offer readers, as far as we know, has not been touched upon: about the history of the meaning of the word Moscow and its accents. Translated from the Dutch chimes of 1669 about negotiations with the Poles on territorial issues, the word Moscow is unusually consistent with the verb predicate in the plural:" (...) and the commission that Moscow and the Poles held has been severed." Here, probably, the word Moscow is used in the sense of "representatives of Moscow, the tsarist government", that is, as a collective name for the inhabitants of the city, which is consistent with the ethnic name of the negotiating partner - Poles; perhaps Moscow is also used as a synonym - "Moscow State", and the collectivity is emphasized by the following explanatory context: "the Moscow people do not want the fortress of Kiev to retreat by any means." This is followed by " articles that Nashchokin submitted in the name of the Tsar's Majesty in Kadin (...) also, on the Polish side, rebukes were made against the ebo articles [that is, "on the articles of the Russian representative at the negotiations]". (Here we are talking about A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin , a Russian diplomat of the XVII century, the head of Russia's foreign policy in 1667-1671, who concluded the Armistice of Andrusov in 1667.) Here are some more examples: ".. .and they say with truth that Moscow does not want to give up Kiev"; "and other articles that Moscow announced and that the Poles at the First [ten] congresses gave rebukes"; "Moscow certainly does not want the city [we are talking about Kiev, which according to Andrusovsky * The work was carried out with the financial support of the RGNF (project N 98-04-06141a). page 64 the armistice went to the Russian state] the Poles will give(b)";"...They also tell us from Moscow that Moscow will retreat from Kiev(b) they don't want to take any measures unless the Poles take away ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
27.07.2024 (53 дней(я) назад)
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To the history of the word Moscow

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