The improvement of developed socialism requires expanding and deepening the development of theoretical problems of social sciences, including history and demography, and increasing their connection on the basis of the study of the practice of socialist creation. This fully applies to the analysis of such important issues of the modern development of Soviet society as changes in its socio-class structure, the state of demographic processes, the relationship and interdependence of the structure of society and its demographic factors. The theoretical and practical significance of the study of these problems is determined by the need to constantly have a clear idea of the degree of social maturity of Soviet society, to take into account data on population reproduction and its dynamics.
The practice of socialist construction confirms Lenin's idea that for a scientific analysis of the state of society, it is necessary to know and take into account the state and prospects for the development of its social structure, that without mastering its changes, "one cannot take a single step in any field of social activity."1 XXVI Congress of the CPSU, June (1983) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU among the most important areas on the study of which it is necessary to focus efforts in the field of social sciences, and called the development of problems of the social structure of developed socialism, the study of the laws of the formation of a classless structure of society 2 . At the same time, the party directs the attention of scientists to the development of problems of demography, issues of population reproduction .3 The methodological basis for their study is the Marxist position that "every historically specific mode of production in reality has its own special laws of population, which have a historical character"4 . Demographic processes, along with social and national ones, are the most important factors in the development of society, and they must be taken into a ...
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