by Academician Leopold LEONTYEV, Vladislav PONOMARYOV, Cand. Sc. (Chem.), Institute of Metallurgy, RAS Ural Branch (Yekaterinburg) Knowledge accumulated for many years by specialists of the Institute of Metallurgy, RAS Ural Branch, has become a scientific base for modern technologies of high dispersible metallic powders. Besides, studies, conducted jointly by the laboratory of powder, composite and nanomaterials of the above institute and the High-Dispersible Metallic Powders company established on the basis of the said laboratory, open up prospects for further development and application of submicron, nanodimensional and nanostructural powders. стр. 13 Computer model of condensation of copper nanoparticles from gas phase (32,000 atoms): A-T = 2,300 K; B-T = 300 K. HIGH-DISPERSIBLE POWDERS In late 1950s, concurrently with scientific centers of the USA and Japan, our institute started research headed by Irina Frishberg, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), which resulted in the creation of the theoretical basis of metallic powders produced by evaporation and condensation. The technology and equipment for production of high- and nano-dispersible powders by the gas-phase method were also worked out at our institute. In 1991 one of the first innovation complexes appeared within the framework of the Russian Academy of Sciences, namely, ZAO High-Dispersible Metallic Powders (HMP) science and production enterprise, and our institute became its co-founder. This company launched unprecedented commercial production of metallic powders, anti-corrosion composites and anti-wear materials, which account for 90 percent of the national output of such products. Based on powders of different metals and alloys, more than 40 anti-corrosion and anti-wear materials were developed here as well as methods of their application such as a "cold" galvanizing method (i.e. without melting) and nanotechnology modifying friction surfaces. As a result, over 40 ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://libmonster.ru/m/articles/view/ULTRADISPERSIBLE-AND-NANODIMENSIONAL-POWDERS
Точикистон Онлайн · 1286 дней(я) назад 0 1381
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
19.08.2021 (1286 дней(я) назад)
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