WALKING AHEAD to the 70th anniversary of A. P. Derevyanko
WALKING AHEAD to the 70th anniversary of A. P. Derevyanko Author: V. I. Molodin, M. V. Shunkov, V. N. Zenin, A.V. Baulo, A. S. Lomanovich, O. I. Novikova Anatoly Panteleevich Derevyanko was born in the village of Kozmo-Demyanovka, Amur region, in the military year of 1943. They developed thanks to hard work, determination, strong-willed character, formed in a simple working family, as it is customary to say today, with the right attitudes: not only Anatoly Panteleevich, but also his brothers received higher education, became excellent people and brilliant specialists. It is also important, of course, that the formation of the future academician's personality took place in the atmosphere of the post-war period, filled with the joy of Victory, the desire for creation and faith in the realization of dreams. Children in the Derevyanko family started working early. Anatoly received his first salary at the age of 9, and at 11-already had the skills of a builder. But in this preoccupied, half-starved life, there was a place for both studying and reading books, which were a window into a vast unknown world. Anatoly himself liked to write, his stories were published in the regional newspaper. After graduating from high school in 1959, he became a student of the History and Philology Department of the Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical Institute and planned to pursue journalism in the future. In 1961. Anatoly first participates in the expedition of the outstanding scientist (later academician) A. P. Okladnikov and is seriously interested in archeology. In 1965, A. P. Derevyanko prematurely graduated with honors from the Institute and entered graduate school in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. During his post-graduate studies under the guidance of A. P. Okladnikov, which were filled with long-term expeditions, he gained invaluable experience in field research, independently excavated the Neolithic settlement of Novopetrovka, and based on its materials identified the previously unknown No ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/WALKING-AHEAD-to-the-70th-anniversary-of-A-P-Derevyanko
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Точикистон Онлайн
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WALKING AHEAD to the 70th anniversary of A. P. Derevyanko

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