by Svetlana FISENKO, Cand. Sc. (Agr.), senior research assistant of Gornotayezhnaya station named after V. Komarov, RAS Far-Eastern Branch (village of Gornotayezhnoe, Primorski Krai) On the western slopes of the Przhevalsk Mountains, a part of the Sikhote Alin system, 25 km away from the town of Ussuriisk, on the area of 4,747 hectares, there is located a Gornotayezhnaya station of RAS Far-Eastern Branch, the first academic research institution in the Far East, named after the outstanding botanist and geographer, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1936-1945) Acad. Vladimir Komarov. Founded in 1932 on his initiative and under his active support, it became a center of collective use and a base for experimental and scientific studies of national and foreign specialists, who are engaged in problems of reproduction, rational use and protection of resources of Primorski Krai. Almost all academic institutions in early 20th century, except for experimental and regional stations, were concentrated in Moscow and Leningrad. However, the state interests required creation of research bases in other big industrial areas as well. In 1916, after opening of the Southern Ussuri Branch of the Amur Department of the Russian Geographical Society, they were set up in north-western outskirts of Russia: in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Nikolsk-Ussuriisk (today Ussuriisk), where a permanently acting Botanical Study was opened in 1918. In 1929, it was transformed into a Southern Ussuri Branch of the Far-Eastern regional research institute and in two years into the Institute for Studies of the Far-Eastern Flora; then in 1932 on its basis was formed the aforesaid Gornotayezhnaya Station (GTS). Its creation is closely connected with the name of Acad. Vladimir Komarov. He suggested to organize per- стр. 83 manent branches of the Academy of Sciences in remote regions of our country, including the Far East, when he was Vice-President of the USSR Academy of ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/WAYS-OF-OPENING-UP-THE-USSURI-TAIGA
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
23.11.2021 (1192 дней(я) назад)
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