Interview with Volodymyr S. Ponomarenko, Ukraine's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Volodymyr S. Ponomarenko, Ukraine's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan * * * "Mr. Ponomarenko, what are your first impressions of Pakistan?" "When the first group of ambassadors arrived in Islamabad in January, 1998, they realized that Pakistan, unlike Iran and other Moslem countries, did not practice the radical Islam. The people held religion in high respect, but women did not wear yashmak in public and men did not all participate in diurnal Mohammedan prayers. Foreigners worn civilian clothes, women dressed in the national garb. "Pakistanis have a good idea of Ukraine being proud of friendly relations with the Ukrainians. It should be noted that Pakistan is a pretty unique and striking country with its own national historical and cultural traditions." "In March, 2002, ten years elapsed since Ukraine and Pakistan established the diplomatic relations. Did Ukraine and Pakistan mark this anniversary in any manner?" "On occasion of this event Ukraine's Foreign Minister Anatoliy Zlenko sent congratulations to his Pakistani colleague and expressed his satisfaction with fruitful cooperation between the countries. "The Foreign Ministries of both countries held political consultations, with the participation of Deputy Foreign Minister of Pakistan Anisuddin Akhmed, on the partnership in political, trade, economic and humanitarian spheres and cooperation within the framework of the United Nations. "Pakistan's mass media place Ukraine in a good light стр. 53 portraying it as a civilized, democratic, advanced and peaceful European country and showing its advantages and powerful potential, as well as priorities of bilateral cooperation. "Central newspaper Pakistan Observer published an interview on status and prospects of development of the Ukrainian-Pakistani interrelations." "Which even ... Читать далее

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