Why do electrons rotate around the nucleus of an atom
Because the body of the atom is not emptiness, as modern physics considers.
The body of the atom is composed of gravitons, microscopic vortex ether - magnetic dipoles.
Gravitons attracted to each other form graviton spheres - the force lines of the gravitational field of an atom along which electrons move.
In the center of the atom is a rotating nucleus, the energy of rotation of which generates the background radiation.
The rotating nucleus, together with the protons emitting a positive potential, is a generator of the rotation of electrons.
The electron revolves around the nucleus of the hydrogen atom according to the laws of classical electrodynamics, like all electrons around all the nuclei of all atoms, as evidenced by the photo of the hydrogen atom https://lenta.ru/news/2013/05/27/atom/ .
The photo was obtained using a photoionization microscope, which has a phosphorescent screen, which reflects the image.
The photo was taken using snapshots of twenty thousand atoms.
The nuclei of these atoms, of course, cannot be fixed at one point; therefore, in the photo of the nucleus they “dance” around the center of the atom, and, consequently, “dance” and electrons around the point of its real stay in its orbit.
In addition, the electrons periodically jump from one orbit to another, which is why electrons “dance” even more.
But, despite this “dance”, we see full-fledged orbits in the photo, and not mathematically calculated orbitals.
Почему электроны вращаются вокруг ядра атома
Потому, что тело атома это не пустота, как считает современная физика.
Тело атома сложено из гравитонов, микроскопических вихрей эфира – магнитных диполей.
Притянутые друг к другу гравитоны образуют гравитонные сферы – силовые линии гравитационного поля атома, по которым движутся электроны.
В центре атома находиться вращающееся ядро, энергию вращения которого генерирует реликтовое излучение.
Вращающееся ядро вместе с излучающими положи ...
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