Moscow: Publishing house "East Lit-ra", 2001. 600 p. *
The elegant and resonant language of Ferdowsi, Khayyam, Hafiz, Sadeq Khedayat and Imam Khomeini is referred to in literature as the" French language of the East", the second language of Islam. In Russia, there is a long tradition of studying the Persian language, but so far no complete and comprehensive grammar has been created that would summarize the scattered research of many Persian scholars. There was no such grammar in other countries either. Even the voluminous works on the grammar of the Persian language published in Iran itself do not give a complete picture of its current state. These works largely adhere to traditions borrowed from Arabic classical grammar, and most examples illustrating grammatical rules or phenomena are taken from classical poetry, whose language differs significantly from modern Persian.
Meanwhile, the science of Persian grammar does not have a consensus of opinion on all issues, and a number of problems have not yet received proper coverage. To a large extent, these gaps are filled in by the new work of the Iranian scientist Yu. A. Rubinchik, who is known not only in Russia, but also abroad.
The book consists of three main parts: I - Phonetic and morphological structure of the Persian word, II-Morphology, III-Syntax.
Ancient inscriptions, manuscripts, ancient books and documents allow us to present a picture of the evolution of the Persian language from the first millennium BC to the present day. If the old Persian language had a developed and complex system of cases of nouns and adjectives with various types of declension and case endings, as well as numerous verb forms, the categories of which were also expressed mainly by inflection (ending), then within one and a half thousand years its appearance changed dramatically: cases, genders of names, dual number disappeared; a different paradigm appeared the grammatical meanings of names and verbs began to be transmitted by service e ...
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