Miroshnik I. M., Gavrilin E. V., Kaladze N. N., Svetenko R. V., Shinkarchuk E. E. INCREASING THE ROLE OF THE INNOVATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE OF HEALTH RESORTS IN THE CRIMEA IN THE CHANGED CONDITIONS OF HUMAN LIFE: IN the HEALTH resort INDUSTRY of CRIMEA [Text]: proceedings of the scientific-practical conference with international participation "Actual issues of physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation" // Herald of Phyisiotherapy And Health Resort Therapy. - 2020. - Volume 26, N 4. - Pp. 121-122.
Keywords: Coordinational paradigm of development, system of psychological coordination, psychological help, methodology of psychological assistance, psychological rehabilitation, psychocorrection, innovative psychological service, system of psychological coordination, COVID-19 pandemic, homopoiesis, neuropoiesis psychopractics, neuroplasticity stimulation, formation of a culture of complementarity, synesthetic art therapy, methods of psychological support, health care of the population of the Russian Federation, competitiveness of health resorts
Crimean health resorts have accumulated more than 20 years of positive experience in providing comprehensive medical and psychological care using innovative methods and technologies of the Russian scientific school of coordination psychophysiology and developmental psychology by I. M. Miroshnik, which may be useful for improving the efficiency of health care of the Russian population in the changed conditions of human life associated with a number of biological (natural), social and spiritual factors, including the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coordinational Paradigm of Development by I. M. Miroshnik determines a radical change in the vector of human evolution in the future: from transhumanism (the exit of the "post-human" beyond the limits of species and cultural identity) to homopoiesis (man-making, from lat. Homo-man and poiesis-creation), that is, creative self-creation, harmonious development and tr ...
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