Report on research work "To study the effectiveness of using organic sapropel from the Udkhovda deposit of the Pruzhany district of the Brest region in the diets of cattle and pigs (final)"
The object of research is cows, young cattle, feed, blood, productivity.
The purpose of the work is to study the possibility and efficiency of using sapropel in feeding dairy cows and young cattle.
Research methods - zootechnical, biochemical, economic.
The chemical composition and nutritional value of sapropel used in feeding dairy cows and young cattle have been studied.
It has been established that the use of organic sapropel in the amount of 4 and 6% in the composition of compound feed for dairy cows and young cattle has a positive effect on feed consumption, morpho-biochemical composition of blood, animal productivity.
The area of application of the results is feeding dairy cows and young cattle.
Recommendations for the implementation of the results - the research results have practical and scientific value and can be used in the organization of feeding young cattle.