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by Alexei MONAKHOV, Head of Department, Museum-Panorama "Battle of Borodino"; Galina GERASIMOVA, senior researcher of the same department One of Moscow's popular sites, which attracts both residents and tourists in considerable numbers all year round, is l
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3323

by Vladimir SHATKO, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), senior researcher, N. V. Tsitsin Botanical Gardens, Russian Academy of Sciences; Liudmila MIRONOVA, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), senior researcher, Karadag Nature Preserve, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine The eastern part
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3111

by Nikolai MAXAKOVSKY, Cand. Sc. (Geography), Senior Scientific Associate of D. Likhachev Russian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow) The UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heri
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Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3203

Scientists of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have carried out new archeological explorations in the Gorny Altai Region (Republic of Altai). Working together with their Japanese and Amer
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3593

After the tragedy of February 14, 2004, when the cupola of Transvaal aquapark collapsed in Moscow, there appeared a number of alarming publications dealing with the problem of stability of the capital's engineering structures. "The Big City" weekly publish
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 2697

The Volga basin with a network of small rivers. Almost all territory of this country is covered by small watercourses total number of which, as estimated by specialists, exceeds 2.5 mn. For centuries these so-called capillars were, in literal sense, the ce
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3566

by Acad. Yuri NATOCHIN In October 1904 the Royal Caroline Institute of Stockholm awarded a Nobel Prize to Ivan Petrovich Pavlov "in token of recognition of his works on the physiology of digestion whereby he has revolutionized and expanded knowledge in thi
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3471

by Oleg OMELCHENKO, Dr. Sc. (Law), Moscow Industrial University The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) has always prized the historic role of Empress Catherine II (1729 - 1796)-it has been publishing her works, including those on state governance. Speaking
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 2784

The Irkutsk Research Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has hosted a special session on the subject of "Climate of the Earth: Past, Present and Future". Taking part in the discussions were geologists, limnologists, astrophysic
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 2855

by Svetlana FILCHAKOVA, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology Kefir fungi and foodstuffs produced on their basis have high bactericidal effect, maintain normal physiological conditions of people, provide ferments essential for
Точикистон Онлайн · 2188 days ago 0 3058
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