Novosibirsk. Science. Siberian branch. 1983. 352 p.
Peer-reviewed collection 1 is one of a series of similar publications outlining the results of methodological seminars of various institutes of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the …
M. Mysl'. 1983. 319 p.
The monograph of R. A. Belousov, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Management of Socio - Economic Processes of the Autonomous Non - Governmental Organization under the Central Committee of the CPSU, is one of the few wor …
Aggravation of national relations in a number of Western European countries in the 60-70s of the XX century. it helped to increase the interest of foreign science in the history of small nations and peoples that are now part of multinational capitalist sta …
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