by Maria SAPRYKINA, Science in Russia observer This article acquaints our readers with a remarkable scientist Tatyana Zdorik, Cand. Sc. (Geol. & Mineral.), who has been actively popularizing mineralogical science. In addition, she is a translator and author of numerous scientific textbooks and a series of articles on mineralogy. She told our correspondent Maria Saprykina about her scientific studies, creative activities and main achievement-description of a new mineral-calcircite. -- Tatyana Borisovna, please, tell us what was the reason to focus your research efforts on minerals? -- In some way, I was closely connected with mineralogy and geology practically right from my birth. My parents were geologists. So, 1 chose a profession and took a decision to enter the MSU Department of Geology under the influence of my relatives and the atmosphere of love and interest in science reigning in my family. In 1955, I finished my studies at the chair of petrography and soon after that was employed at the Department of Rare Metals of the All-Union Institute of Mineral Resources in Moscow, at that time the first national institute specializing in ores and raw materials. This research institution was established in 1923 by the USSR Ministry of Geology as the Institute of Applied Mineralogy on the basis of the Institute of Petrography "Litogea". It got its contemporary name in 1935. From that time and till our days, main efforts of the institute have been concentrated on research, expansion, and improvement of ore and raw material стр. 89 base of ferrous and a number of branches of non-ferrous metallurgy. Today, the institute keeps developing scientific fundamentals of geological forecasting, exploration, and integrated valuation of ore fields, problems of genetic and applied mineralogy, analysis and technology of minerals. -- What were your specific tasks as a research assistant of the Department of Rare Metals? -- That time ( ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
15.11.2021 (961 days ago)
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