Keep your feet ringing, pick up words to rhymesmall art and not a fancy business,But it's not difficult to a poet. A. P. Sumarokov How often did Russian poets write and still write "poems about poems"? Many of them in their" holy craft", in the words of K. Pavlova, share poetry (holy and sacred, fiery and fiery," passionate and sweet", as defined by A. Pavlova). Odoevsky) and poetic technique: "Poetry is a gift, verse is one skill," P. Vyazemsky believed. The former they chant, the latter they prefer ras- page 3 judging in prose - in verse studies, starting from the" New and concise way of adding Russian poems "(1735) by V. K. Trediakovsky and up to the" Book of Russian Rhyme " (1982) by D. Samoilov. The XVIII century was marked in Russian literature by the reform of versification and the introduction of syllabic-tonic verse instead of syllabic, which had "not only general literary, but also general cultural significance" (Goncharov V. P. Versification views of Trediakovsky and Lomonosov. Reform of Russian versification // The emergence of the Russian Science of Literature, Moscow, 1975, pp. 43-91). The initiator of the reform, Trediakovsky, not limited to theoretical treatises, following the example of Boileau with his "Poetic Art", creates an "Epistle from Russian Poetry to Apollinus" (1735), in which he explains the reasons for his rejection of the Polish syllabics ("the old verse seemed very unsuitable to me") and the choice of an ancient model with two-syllabic stops, but with the replacement of tonic length and brevity by alternating stressed and unstressed syllables ("ringing" and "falling"), with rhyme and without "nasty transfer". Following Boileau and Trediakovsky, A. P. Sumarokov wrote the poetic manifesto "Epistol II (On Poetry)" (1747), analyzing in it various genres (from odes and idylls to satires and songs) and touching on the problem of rhyme: it should not "capture our thought", it should "help us in our own way." mind to meet." He is not a "creato ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
25.07.2024 (53 days ago)
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