It is unlikely that the study of any aspect of the life of the modern East can ignore the Islamic component. And there is hardly a more vivid visual evidence of the presence of the Muslim community than the buildings of mosques, the appearance of which often causes fierce disputes. The climatic and social characteristics of the main regions of the" world of Islam " led to the formation of three classical types of religious buildings - the Arab courtyard mosque, the Iranian ayvanna mosque, and the Turkish zala mosque. To this day, Muslim architecture is aimed at reproducing these types, generating numerous stylizations for historical monuments. However, the "international architecture" that emerged in the 20th century also affected religious buildings and gave rise to "non-classical" mosques. The book"Architecture of a modern Mosque" by , Doctor of Art History, is dedicated to such projects. Istoki " (Moscow, Progress-Traditsiya, 2014, 232 p.)*, continuing the publishing series on temple architecture. The author is not interested in a traditional mosque, i.e. following ready-made "recipes", but in fundamentally new concepts of understanding the architectural space for Muslim culture, primarily Western ones, used to form a" non - classical " mosque, in other words, about the inclusion of the architecture of Islamic countries in the modern artistic process. Speaking about the internationality of religious architecture, the researcher starts from an important thesis, which is not always recognized by "traditionalists" and is not often confirmed by practice:"mosques built in the style of modern architecture do not necessarily have to resemble mosques of the historical past"1. The basis for this statement is the belief that the usual forms of a mosque can easily be transformed without prejudice to ritual practice, since, unlike temples of many religions, Muslim buildings practically do not depend on established architectural images. That is why the focus is not so much on ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн · 283 days ago 0 322
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
30.11.2023 (283 days ago)
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