HAIFA TRABELSI (Tunisia) Post-graduate student of the Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language Etiquette Keywords:, Arab and Muslim countries, official business relations, diplomatic protocol A professional diplomat tries to avoid displaying personal traits of his character and cultural affiliation during official communication. However, when preparing for negotiations or a meal on a particular occasion, he can not ignore the cultural characteristics of another country. In this article, the author will try to reveal a number of issues related to the peculiarities of Muslim etiquette, rules of conduct that may arise among diplomats, foreign businessmen, representatives of the business community during official negotiations with partners, meetings at the highest level or in everyday situations, when directly contacting representatives of Muslim ethnic groups. Special attention will be paid to the diplomatic etiquette of Arab-Muslim countries and the main specific elements of Arab behavior that need to be paid attention to during official communication and in informal settings. RELATIONS WITH MUSLIMS When getting acquainted, Arabs show themselves to be open to communication, cordial and sincere, they can easily talk to a stranger on the street, in transport, in public places and at official meetings. Although Arab etiquette and rules of conduct are based on the values and principles of Islam, which affects almost all spheres of human life and activity, however, an educated Muslim Arab is usually not interested in the religion of his interlocutor and does not consider a non-Muslim a second-class person, as some researchers write. The Muslim world includes a large number of countries that can be roughly divided into "Arab" and "non-Arab". However, even within these groups, each country has its own specific characteristics that distinguish it from other neighboring States. Therefore, it is a mistake, for example, to assume that all countries of the Arab world have exac ... Читать далее

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
12.01.2024 (144 days ago)
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