SOME ASPECTS OF FDI (Foreign direct investment) INFLOWS TO AFRICA
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a key component of global capital flows. Experience in attracting and using FDI shows that, with appropriate government policies, it is an important source of renewal of production and acceleration of economic growth. FDI allows receiving States to take advantage of the international production network of transnational corporations (TNCs) and can open the way for them to create competitive industries. In order to restructure their economies and transition to a resource-saving model of reproduction, the countries of developed capitalism seek to bring to an acceptable technological level those developing countries whose industrial and resource potential can be organically interwoven into the new international technological system. Certain measures are being taken to ensure that a number of countries in the African region with their unique natural potential are also integrated into the single economic mechanism in a timely manner. It seems that the strategic importance of this potential is enormous and it will undoubtedly grow over time. Even today, fundamental shifts in production and technology are generating demand for many non-ferrous and rare metals, rare earth elements, which were not in demand just yesterday. Therefore, the statistically traceable "withdrawal" of TNCs from some raw materials industries is usually compensated by an increase in their inactive participation in the exploration of new deposits, in the final processing, transportation and marketing of the product. TNCs return to the African commodity sector through the provision of loans with the simultaneous conclusion of management contracts, through lease agreements for nationalized enterprises, and in other forms. As a result of all these factors, only a relatively narrow group of African countries with large reserves of energy carriers and other valuable minerals, as well as a fairly large domestic market and a liberal investment regime (Nigeria, South Africa, E ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
13.06.2024 (14 дней(я) назад)
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SOME ASPECTS OF FDI (Foreign direct investment) INFLOWS TO AFRICA

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