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In the works of Turgenev of the 1860s and 70s, there is often a mention of fog. This recurring motif acts as a comparison, a metaphor, a detail of the landscape, endowed with symbolic meaning. It becomes especially noticeable in Turgenev's "mysterious stor
Точикистон Онлайн · 47 days ago 0 112

For the first time in Ivanovo, the Ivanovo University of Chemical Technology hosted the International Student Conference "Russian at the Turn of the Millennium"at the end of last year. 2001 was not only the first year of the new century, the third millenni
Точикистон Онлайн · 47 days ago 0 126

Language units that are now considered phraseological units were called differently in the time of V. I. Dahl: sayings, sentences, proverbs, aphorisms. When V. I. Dahl created his famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian Language", the th
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Точикистон Онлайн · 47 days ago 0 117

NOSKOVA, Z. A. Candidate of Philological Sciences In our minds, Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl is a great interpreter of words, but in the texts of his own works there are sometimes such mysterious words that even the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the living
Точикистон Онлайн · 47 days ago 0 149

In the XIX century, the verb to take care of is drawn into the orbit of "amorous" words and phrases. On the basis of its meanings "1 - to have care of someone or look after someone; 2 - to hang around someone, please someone", it develops another thing: to
Точикистон Онлайн · 47 days ago 0 128

In Russian, there are two homonymous formulas of speech etiquette: your health is a short toast and your health is an outdated address. Formula your (your) health! - "a brief toast, wishing well-being to the addressee before drinking wine" - is included in
Точикистон Онлайн · 47 days ago 0 140

Journalists rarely agree that their profession is as much a craft as an art, that mastery of the technique of creating text is as necessary as creative inspiration and intuition. However, practice convinces us that in a situation where there is very little
Точикистон Онлайн · 46 days ago 0 144

Как понять, что профессия дизайнера вам подходит? Определение того, подходит ли вам профессия дизайнера, требует осознания собственных интересов, навыков и личных качеств. Путь к этому осознанию начинается с внутреннего самоанализа и изучения того, что на
Точикистон Онлайн · 38 days ago 0 92

Существуют в Москве Кадашевская набережная, Кадашевские (Замоскворечье) и Барашевский переулки (около Покровки в бывшем Белом Городе). Эти названия унаследованы от старых московских слобод: Кадашевской и Барашевской. Следовательно, происхождение их названи
Точикистон Онлайн · 35 days ago 0 93

В. И. МАКСИМОВ, доктор филологических наук Графика - это система всех средств письменности, учитывающая отношения между устной речью и письменной. Основными средствами графики являются буквы и знаки препинания; к ним относятся также знак ударения, разнообр
Точикистон Онлайн · 30 days ago 0 77
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