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Thinking about the future, many of us cannot escape the nagging question of what will happen on this I planet when it runs out of its resources of oil and gas. The obvious solution is to look for the sources of new types of fuel. The popular science magazi
Точикистон Онлайн · 2197 days ago 0 3575

by Natalia ALEXEYEVA, journalist As Nikolai Pirogov, an outstanding Russian surgeon (1810 - 1881), has put it, the book is a yardstick of society. Indeed, those who visited a book fair held in March 2007 at the National Exhibition Center in Moscow and a
Точикистон Онлайн · 2197 days ago 0 4143

Perhaps there is no place on earth where people do not face the threat of this or that natural disaster. Every year hurricanes, whirlwinds, avalanches, landslides and creeps mow off tens and hundreds of thousands of lives. However, mankind has learnt how t
Точикистон Онлайн · 2197 days ago 0 3281

Триумф СССР над Америкой в выходе в Космос — триумф не тел. Корень его — дух Народа, прорвавший бак «красного» русского ада. Ракета Свободы. На ней воспарили мы в Высь. ____________________ Эта публикация была размещена на Либмонстре в другой стране и
Точикистон Онлайн · 2197 days ago 0 2657

В рамках уникального проекта по застройке столицы Minsk World стартовала застройка новой жилой серии «Квартал Чемпионов». Расположение и инфраструктура Особенность проекта Minsk World - создание полноценной инфраструктуры для обеспечения потребностей совре
Точикистон Онлайн · 2196 days ago 0 2913

Death and dying were regarded in early Rus in two aspects: material one-human mortal remains and cult objects, and spiritual one-different doctrines, beliefs, and traditions with respect to the departed. In a recent issue of the magazine CHELOVEK (Man) the
Reactions: sad (1)
Точикистон Онлайн · 2196 days ago 0 4136

Articles in this rubric reflect the opinion of the author. - Ed . Pages. 77 by Andrei BOGDANOV, Dr. Sc. (Hist.), RAS Institute of Russian History Historians are still uncertain as to who was the founder of the early Russian state. Some say it was an alien
Точикистон Онлайн · 2196 days ago 0 3193

By Tatyana ILYUSHINA, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), chief custodian of the funds of the Educational-Geodetic Museum of the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography As a geographical concept Siberia was first mentioned in the 1407 annals: "Tokhtamysh (khan o
Точикистон Онлайн · 2196 days ago 0 3077

byYuri BURLAKOV, Vice-President of the Association of Polar Explorers; Alexander SMIRNOV, Dr. Sc. (Geol. & Mineral.), senior research fellow of the All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute "Okeangeologiya" (St. Petersburg) Due to permafrost, undergr
Точикистон Онлайн · 2196 days ago 0 3374

by Valery GLUSHKOV, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), RAS Institute of History of Natural Sciences and Technology named after S. Vavilov The Sannikov Land was brought to public attention thanks to the publication by Acad. Vladimir Obruchev (1863 - 1956) of a popular scienc
Точикистон Онлайн · 2196 days ago 0 3020
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