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Yakshagana - "yaksh song", which is native to Karnataka, is a performance that combines singing, dialogue and dance. There is a legend that in ancient times it was performed by fabulous treasure keepers - yakshas. These warlike creatures were great musicia
Точикистон Онлайн · 32 days ago 0 43

The mechanism of regulating migration processes between our countries needs to be improved. Some positive steps have been taken in this direction recently. With the active participation of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (FMS), a number of document
Точикистон Онлайн · 32 days ago 0 48

In November 2000, the author of these lines witnessed a truly historic event -the first official visit of the US President to Vietnam. Bill Clinton, who restored diplomatic relations between the two countries five years earlier, has put a nice end to his a
Точикистон Онлайн · 32 days ago 0 45

Nguyen Huy Thiep is one of the most famous and original contemporary writers in Vietnam, the author of more than thirty short stories, about a dozen plays, several screenplays, one novel, and many articles on literary topics... His works are translated and
Точикистон Онлайн · 32 days ago 0 54

Vietnam is experiencing a tourism boom. In 2005 alone, the country was visited by 3.5 million tourists from abroad, and in the first eight months of 2006, their number exceeded 2.5 million. It is obvious that everyone who comes to Vietnam has their own goa
Точикистон Онлайн · 32 days ago 0 45

Reflecting on the national history in the past XX century, the Vietnamese post office has issued a series of six stamps that reflect key moments in the life of this country. The first stamp is dedicated to the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam on
Точикистон Онлайн · 31 days ago 0 56

I As I begin to write these lines, I think I may awaken some familiar feelings that time has already erased, and I may also disturb the peace of my departed father. But I am forced to do so, and I ask readers to be lenient with my inexperienced pen, given
Точикистон Онлайн · 31 days ago 0 50

LIBERAL REFORMS IN THE ECONOMY BRING IMPRESSIVE RESULTS Since the beginning of the 1990s, having given up hopes of achieving success, "following the socialist path", Vietnam turned its eyes to the West Years of reforms aimed at liberalizing the market econ
Точикистон Онлайн · 31 days ago 0 55

Since ancient times, Vietnam has been influenced by Confucianism, the cult of ancestors, family and clan. The worldview of the Vietnamese people was also formed under the influence of local Eastern and Buddhist traditions. And as in most Eastern countries,
Точикистон Онлайн · 31 days ago 0 44

Ключевые слова: Япония, Окинава, региональные проблемы, политика, городское планирование Своеобразие Японии в мире определяется ее географическим положением, историко-культурными особенностями и экономическим развитием. В самой Японии таким же своеобразием
Точикистон Онлайн · 31 days ago 0 33
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