ACCORDING TO FOREIGN POLICY MAGAZINE, THERE ARE 32 OF THEM AMONG THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD P. V. GUSTERIN Russian Institute for Strategic Studies Foreign Policy magazine Keywords: Tol-500, leaders of the Arab world The American magazine Foreign Policy published a list of 500 names in its May-June issue, which included "people who control the commanding heights of world-leading industries - from politics to big finance,from media to energy, from military affairs to religion." 1 The list also includes 32 Arabs (see table) from 13 States (22 Arab States in total). They made up 6.4% of the full list, i.e. approximately every 16th is a representative of the Arab East. Their distribution by country allows us, in our opinion, to judge the leadership in the modern Arab world: Saudi Arabia - 10 names, Egypt-6, the Emirates-3, Algeria-2, Qatar-2, Palestine-2, Jordan-1, Iraq-1, Yemen-1, Kuwait-1, Lebanon - 1, Syria-1, Sudan-1. For comparison, there are 23 Russians on the list. Indeed, as a result of the Arab Spring, which significantly weakened Egypt, Saudi Arabia has taken over its regional leadership. Nevertheless, Egypt continues to retain considerable potential. Another three member States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf ( GCC) - the Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait-are represented by a total of 6 personalities. Thus, a total of 16 names belong to the GCC countries, i.e. half of all the Arabs on the list. This makes it possible to speak of the GCC as the dominant political force in the Arab East, which is probably true. The following representatives of the Arab world, who, in our opinion, deserve special attention, were not included in the list: Rashid Ghanoushi is the leader of the Tunisian Ennahda party, who, like Yusuf al-Qaradawi, was named Scholar of the Year by the website in 2012.; Abdullah II-King of Jordan; Mohammed VI-King of Morocco; Nouri al-Maliki - Prime Minister of Iraq; Khalifa bin Salman Aal Khalifa - ... Читать далее

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Душанбе, Tajikistan
23.01.2024 (268 days ago)
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