Editorial Board: V. I. Dyatlov, S. A. Panarin, M. Ya. Rozhansky. Moscow-Irkutsk: NAT ALIS, 2005. 320 p. (Project "Ethnopolitical situation in the Baikal region: monitoring and analysis". Research. and materials. Issue 5) In 2000-2003, with the financial support of the Moscow branch of the Ford Foundation, a project was implemented to monitor and analyze the ethnopolitical situation in Baikal Siberia. It was not limited to research tasks; in fact, it was an educational and research program aimed at additional (postgraduate) education of a large group of scientific youth. To a large extent, the goal was achieved: the team that worked on the project did not break up, but continues to engage in research and educational activities. Within the framework of this project, several works were published in the series "Ethnopolitical situation in the Balkal region: monitoring and Analysis": E. A. Stroganova's monograph " Buryat National and Cultural Revival. (Late 80's-mid 90's of the XX century. Republic of Buryatia)", collections - " Socio-economic characteristics of the Baikal region (Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Irkutsk region, Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Information and statistical collection)", " Baikal region: the legal field of the ethnopolitical situation (1992-2001)", "Baikal Siberia: fragments of a socio-cultural map. Almanac-research". The peer - reviewed paper is the fifth and last in this series. Co-editors of the book and project managers V. I. Dyatlov, S. A. Panarin and M. Ya. Rozhansky define this publication as a problem-oriented publication.- page 202 new collection. In the Introduction (p. 6-22), they describe in detail the success of the project and the research tasks that have not yet been solved. It also explains the structure of the collection, which consists of four sections. S. A. Panarin's long article "The ethnopolitical situation in the Republic of Buryatia" (pp. 23-94) covers the entire Section I. The editors of the collection expl ... Read more

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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Tajikistan
03.07.2024 (95 days ago)
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