A significant part of the works of David Kugultinov (born in 1922) was written during the Soviet period, so they are devoted to the events and realities of the time in which the poet worked: "Our Kalmyk angel - "Ragni", / Ragni - the sources of light.../ But who, tell me, these days / Seriously believes in this! / And I?! Yes, I-from a young age - / Adherent of godlessness, /Neither angels nor devils / Do not recognize... And yet... "(the poem "Ragni", not dated) [Kugultinov, 1988, III, p. 403] 1 . In D. Kugultinov's poetry, national artistic traditions were stronger than the social trends of the author's life and work. The purpose of this work is to read D. Kugultinov's poetry from the perspective of the Kalmyks ' system of values, to interpret it in a new way, which, in my opinion, should be expressed in showing the author's use of Buddhist images, terms, formulas in the literary text; to interpret the role of Buddhism in the author's system of values, thereby contributing to the expansion and enrichment of reader spaces. The spiritual and moral state of modern society cannot be assessed without reference to the origins, to the historical experience of previous generations. Previous experience shows that religion occupied a great place in the life of the Kalmyk people.: "Lamaism has deeply penetrated the Kalmyks' worldview... covered all aspects of life... The Buddhist-Lamaist religion was absolutely the dominant ideology of the Kalmyks until the victory of the October Revolution "(Erdniev, 1985, p. 236). At present, most Kalmyks perceive Buddhism as a national-religious form of understanding being [see: Nadneeva, 1994, p. 22]. The subject of the article is the study of the concrete-conceptual content and linguistic expression of the sacred in the poetry of D. Kugultinov. The sacred is realized through particular semiotic alternations of linguistic and ethno-cultural interest. Both appellatives and proper names have a sacred meaning. In the process of cross-cultur ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://biblio.kz/m/articles/view/DAVID-KUGULTINOV-S-POETRY-AND-BUDDHISM
Точикистон Онлайн · 97 дней(я) назад 0 86
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Точикистон Онлайн
Душанбе, Таджикистан
30.06.2024 (97 дней(я) назад)
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